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News and Events
Adarsh Patel

Can I Smack my Child?

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For years, many calls have been made for the English Government to reform the law regarding smacking and hitting children. In England and Northen Ireland, any use of physical chastisement is illegal unless it amounts to a reasonable punishment. However, in...

Where can I seek support for domestic abuse?

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In the last 12 months, it is estimated that more than 800,000 children in England and Wales have lived or continue to live in an abusive home. [1] Domestic abuse and violence remains a major concern for many families and can cause social services becoming...

What is Parental Responsibility?

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Parental responsibility is the rights and responsibilities a parent has over their child. It simply encompasses completing the role of a parent that one would expect a parent to do. Parental responsibility is the legal term given to the legal rights and...

What is a Children's Guardian?

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When the Local Authority issue Care Proceedings to seek Public Law Orders regarding children, the subject children will be allocated a Children’s Guardian to represent their views, wishes and best interests throughout the proceedings. The Guardian is...

What is a Communicourt Intermediary?

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Communicourt is an intermediary service mostly funded by HMCTS, with no charges or payments required by parents or legal professionals. In the context of Care Proceedings, their aim is to assist a parent who has a communication difficulty which impairs their...

Jade's Law: What is it and How Does it Affect Me?

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By the end of 2023, Justice Secretary Alex Chalk plans to introduce a new law before Parliament which would result in parents who kill their partner or ex-partner with whom they have children to automatically have their parental responsibility suspended upon...

What is a Supervision Order?

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A Supervision Order is one of many orders that the Court has the power to grant a Local Authority in Childcare Proceedings under section 35 Children Act 1989. The purpose of a Supervision Order is to impose a duty on the Local Authority to support the...

I received a Letter of Intent to Issue Care Proceedings - What Does This Mean?

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The Local Authority will send you a Letter of Intent to Issue Care Proceedings once they have decided that there are significant concerns regarding the safety of your child/children, and the only way to keep them safe is to seek intervention from the Court....

Can the Police Obtain Information From my Childcare Proceedings?

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Childcare proceedings are confidential, which means the disclosure of information deriving from proceedings is governed by strict rules and protocols. If the Police wish to obtain information from your childcare proceedings, they need to make an application...